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Final Blog Post

                                                                                                                        I want to start off talking about my digital footprint. I feel like talking about how I'm displayed on the internet will be easier to lead into my thoughts and relationship with technology.  If someone were to look me up on the internet, whether that be for a job or someone random snooping, they will find very little of me and even a less of my mom. My mom and I have pretty similar names - Her name is Corrine and my name is Corrina. When I looked myself up, it pulled up both of our facebooks, linkedin's, and some articles about me of things that highlighted what I was involved in at my high school. There's nothing I would edit out of my digital print, like I said, there's not that much information out there, yet the information that is there I approve of.                         Personally, I think my relationship with technology varies from time to ti

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