Freedom vs. Liberty

 United States: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report | Freedom House                        Why Is the Statue of Liberty a Woman? | Britannica

Over the past year, in the back of my mind, I have been thinking about all of the injustices that have happened in the world. For example, police brutality -specifically the killing of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd. the difference between freedom and liberty.  According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, freedom is defined as "the power to do what you want to do: the ability to move or act freely". The definition of liberty according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary was the "state or condition of people who are able to act and speak freely". Yet, I am here to rant and argue that liberty and freedom can solely depend on the color of your skin. 

Killing of Breonna Taylor - Wikipedia                                         We gotta control this guy': Derek Chauvin heard defending police's  restraint of George Floyd | CBC News

When we hear about America, The United States, The Land of the Free... an article states that "American freedom... is a country born [from] colonization and slavery". The word freedom, as well as liberty,  for African Americans the term is used as if one flips a coin for heads or tails. Implied racism is what African Americans and many people of color suffer on a daily basis. 

                                                    White privilege: what it is, what it means and why understanding it matters

In another article I read it compared white privilege to Black people. "It stated that white people gave the freedom to be... [while] Black people only are something in relation to whiteness". There has been so much social unrest within the Black community that I just needed to understand and recall what the definitions of liberty and freedom are.


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