Final Blog Post


                                                                                                Make your digital footprint a part of your estate planning - FiftyForward

  I want to start off talking about my digital footprint. I feel like talking about how I'm displayed on the internet will be easier to lead into my thoughts and relationship with technology. If someone were to look me up on the internet, whether that be for a job or someone random snooping, they will find very little of me and even a less of my mom. My mom and I have pretty similar names - Her name is Corrine and my name is Corrina. When I looked myself up, it pulled up both of our facebooks, linkedin's, and some articles about me of things that highlighted what I was involved in at my high school. There's nothing I would edit out of my digital print, like I said, there's not that much information out there, yet the information that is there I approve of.

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Personally, I think my relationship with technology varies from time to time… 

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For the most part, I think that my relationship with technology is SO-SO. To start off with the cons of my relationship with technology. I tend to COMPARE myself with other people and their lifestyles. I also think it decreases my TIME MANAGEMENT.  The pros of my relationship with technology became more aware for me during the start of quarantine - I was able to stay connected with my friends and family. When my mom got sick shortly after the first couple weeks of my freshman year of college, I was able to facetime her while she was in the hospital since the pandemic didn’t allow visitors to come in and out of the hospital. I am thankful for technology for that reason. 

Technology has allowed the world and myself to grow immensely.

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I am grateful for the rise of technology. Without it - healthcare, education, and society would be immensely different.

To start off, with technology being more apart of our daily routine it has been able to do some of the following out of many: "[improving] access to medical information and data", [improving] lines of communication", "[allowing] telehealth" [to be on the uprise] and many "health apps" and accessories. Without some of the technology we have to do, my mom wouldn't have been able to get some of the care she had received for her cancer treatments.

Next, education went from students taking notes on paper and a pencil to a laptop and a tablet - to teachers writing on a chalkboard/whiteboard to making powerpoints. I tend to look back at what I somewhat remember of my kindergarten/primary education and compare it to my little cousins who are in school and it truly amazes me. Technology "has become the change for the roles of teachers and leaders". The result of technology in the classroom has been an open door to "opportunities for communication and collaboration" while "[affecting] the way individuals communicate, learn, think... and interact [with one another]".

Lastly, technology has and continues to bring new methods of communication through social media to our society. One can argue that the involvement of technology is 50% pros and 50% cons. I'm not going to disagree with that, however, technology can either benefit or harm you depending on how you use it.

To answer one of the prompt questions: 

Does technology take too much time in my life or am I giving technology technology the appropriate time? 

I feel like it is important to realize that pretty much everything the world does revolves around technology. From then, one has to understand that it's hard to have a given amount of time. However, depending on what all is going on in my life, technology can have its “appropriate amount of time” and it can consume a little bit more of the time then it should. The average person spends ..

Do I think technology is informing me.making me smarter or even misleading me? 

Yes, yes I do.  
I do think technology is informing me.. However, there’s so much misinformation/disinformation that it can be very misleading which leads to the end result being unreliable information. 

In an educational sense, I have had the privilege to understand and to fact check information that I read or may use for an assignment. 

Lastly, I just wanted to say that I do worry about the technology that is out for society to read because most of the information tends to be skewed. For example, my generation tends to be lazy. That being said - we will look at a headline and think that automatically it’s true. Then from that, we may text someone about it, share it on twitter, or even put it on our instagram and snapchat stories.. And that’s how misinformation is spread because most people don’t fact check what they send or receive.



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