Every time I've heard of the idea of carrier pigeons it was most likely in some fictional movie that made it seem like it wasn't actually real but from learning from the presentation it introduced to me that they used them in WW1 so people could communicate secretly/confidentially. 

Pigeons Fitted with Backpacks are Collecting Climate Data for ScientistsEmoticon - WikipediaWhat's the Difference Between Emoji and Emoticons? | Britannica


All of the presentations that we did in class were extremely eye opening and they caught my attention. The two that stood out to me the most was learning more about: carrier pigeons and emojis/emoticons. 


Blue Bar English Carrier                                     Homing pigeon

While doing some research on my own, a common theme that came up was the differences between carrier pigeons and homing pigeons.  From reading that article, I came to understand the following about the two: they are two different breeds. The carrier pigeon was bred for its beauty. The homing pigeon was and is still used for a hobby as a sport. From looking at the two, the Blue Bar English carrier pigeon looks more like a miniature swan than the homing pigeon. In my past, I did a brief study on birds and throughout my study I was made aware that the wider the wing on a bird allows them to go faster. Hence, why the homing pigeon is used for speed.

Google Adding New 117 Emoji in Android 11 Coming FallA list with the most common emoticons. | Download Scientific Diagram

Another presentation that I was interested in was the idea of emoticons and emojis. I knew a lot about what they were but I never knew about the origin and context of it. In 1982, an English professor named Scott E. Falhman created the idea of emoticons. He wanted to make something up that might lessen a load of a message someone might send. However as time went one and technology evolved society was introduced to the modernized version of emojis. Emojis were created by Shigetaka Kurita and boy did they change how we communicate. Emojis have such a wide variety from different skin tones to different foods. 

    I really valued these presentations because it made me think more about the technology I learn on a daily basis. 


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