What I learned EOTO

                                         America's growing news deserts - Columbia Journalism Review

The two presentations that interested me the most were in group 4's presentation. First, I want pay attention to what a news desert is.

For starters, I've heard of the phrase/term of a food desert yet I never thought a media/news desert existed. From the presentation, I came to realize that a news desert is a community that has little to no news/media coverage within the area. I get so caught up on using my technology that I get put in a bubble -not  understanding what's going around outside of the community I'm in. After listening to the presentation and doing my own research on what a news desert was, I came to realize that communities rely on in person communication heavily. I also can see it being dangerous not having news coverage in the area you live in - you don't know what danger came into the area nor will you have a relief knowing it left.

                                        Cord-Cutting To Accelerate In 2021, With 27% Of Cable Households  Disconnecting

Another thing I learned from group 4's presentation was the concept of cord cutting. From the presentation, I came to a learning realization that cord cutting is the decision most or society is making by leaving cable/satellite behind by using streaming services such as Netflix, hulu, disney plus,etc. After this presentation, I was highly intrigued and did a little bit more research. I read an article that debated whether cord cutting was worth the price. A key that stuck out to me and put things into perspective from the article linked above ^ was understanding "finding your alternative". If you find a streaming service that has all of your favorite shows- isn't that better then paying for your bundle of cable/satellite? Not only is this thought provoking, I payed attention to my close habits. My habits with watching tv at home is to watch local, national news, sports, award shows. I tend to not watch tv at school - I heavily rely on the streaming services even though HPU provides it for us.


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